Why consider Vero Voting for your next enterprise agreement online vote?
November 23, 2019

Vero Voting may be a new name in the voting space, but it is a highly experienced voting provider.
How is this possible? Simply because its founders Greg Mitchell and Laith Tarish have been personally running votes since 2009. They also founded Cirrena (a technology provider) which has built amazing technology across hundreds of projects for some of the world’s biggest companies. This includes training, online voting and engagement solutions that are extremely secure, customisable and will suit your workforces’ specific requirements.
What makes Vero Voting your ideal online voting provider?
Experience, Customisation, Flexible, Innovative, Secure and Trusted.
With experience in running some very contentious votes, across dynamic and distributed voting environments, makes Vero Voting the ideal choice for your next independent voting requirement.
Security is number 1
Although we use similar techniques to the banking systems with 256bit SSL encryption, we go well beyond that. How we store information that you provide us based on the standard voting process, how each voter’s vote is securely stored, how we deliver our reports and how we treat all communication in and out of our voting environment.
Privacy and Compliance
Our voting complies with Fair Work requirements for a vote for an enterprise agreement. We have never had a vote knocked back based on our processes and vote results. We take privacy very seriously and comply with all the privacy laws. How we store your data you give us (in cold storage) and how we encrypt and manage your votes and results is in line with all the Australia standards and best practices.
Technology is current, modern, flexible and a-grade.
It is built to be customisable for your even the most complicated enterprise agreement voting, and if it doesn’t currently do something you need, with enough time we can build it to suit your online voting needs. Our technology team has a huge amount of experience in building best-in-class technology solutions, and Vero Voting is one of them.
24-hour support
Some workforces work 24/7 and so they need to vote at all hours. We offer for free an ON-CALL (mobile service) 24 hour hotline. This is an email and voice mail service that will be answered at the soonest available time (often prior to middnight and after 6am); However if you need a manned 24 hour support line monitoring all calls in real-time and answering withing 3 rings we can arrange that too.
Dashboard for real-time results
Whilst we will never disclose an individual result, we have the ability to return in real-time voting YES or NO result. We can also provide it in demographic and location breakdown upon request. This will allow you valuable insights and is included in the price of your vote.
Information portal website
To allow easy communication for your workforce and delivery of the documents to allow for the access period, the information portal will allow your voters easy access. A simple website can be set up for online voting and your documents loaded. We can even put a secure password on this if required to only allow specific access to your voters. This is also included for Free within your vote as we wish you to have all the tools available to conduct your vote as seamlessly as possible.
Discounts on your 2nd and 3rd Vote if it fails.
If your vote on your same agreement fails, we will offer up to 50% off your next and subsequent attempts at a vote. We are in this for the long term and want to work with you on all your agreements. Going to vote is often a risky exercise, It shouldn’t be an expensive one as well.
We will beat any written proposal from a reputable voting provider.*
We are so confident in our service, that if you have a proposal from another reputable voting provider we will beat it by 10%. Email us at info@verovoting.com.au and we will be happy to provide you with a competitive proposal.
*select providers and upon presentation of their proposal.
Anonymous – If voting online, the votes that are cast are anonymous. A show of hands vote is simple but can be influenced or use of intimidation may sway your voters. Other online survey tools may not be purely anonymous.
Take care in choosing a voting provider as it is not always just about cost but the service and level of customisation they can supply as well.
Vero Voting offers a fully customisable voting service built in-house Australian built technology platform offering a premier voting service that is secure, compliant and trusted. Contact us today to see how we can assist you with your voting requirements.